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As I mentioned in the “About” section, I am not a political person. However, the past few school years have been incredibly difficult for everyone, and there are issues that I am passionate about.
Academic Success for ALL Students:

Moving forward in a post-COVID world many students continue to struggle to bridge the gap of lost learning they experienced. 


Also, due to the lack of social interaction at school and extracurricular activities, many students struggle with anxiety and/or depression which affects their academic success. The restrictions of a virtual classroom also created exponential difficulties for many of our students who are already struggling with a language barrier, a 504, or IEP plan.


I am excited that we have returned pre-COVID interactions and revived clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities. However, as we move closer to what we once knew as normal, one of my priorities is to ensure that ALL students of Monroe are challenged at their level to grow academically.


I am excited about the work we approved on the School Board to move forward with Solution Tree to develop Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) as a district-wide framework. Through PLC’s the district will have a guided process where teachers have time and training to collaborate more together on lessons and assessments. This allows them to work horizontally across grade-levels and content areas, but also vertically align so that students are prepared as they move up each year in grade level. I have personally been through this process as a teacher and benefited from being part of a PLC. It changed my classroom, and our district in regard to instruction and student success.

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Financial Responsibility:

Many school districts have struggled with management of ESSER funds which were one-time grants from the Federal Government to relieve extra expenses during COVID. Some schools used those funds for on-going expenses. The Monroe District did not and continues to work hard to wisely manage the tax-dollars it receives.

I want to see this financial responsibility continue. As a parent, I want to make sure the students and staff have all of the resources they need, and as a taxpayer I want to make sure those funds continue to be prioritized responsibly.

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Equipping Teachers and Staff:

As a teacher I know how much of a difference the right trainings, and the right resources can make to help all of our students be successful. I want to see our Monroe teachers continue to receive training in their curriculums, instructional practices, and differentiated instruction. This will help them to continue challenging highly capable students, but also support students who struggle with language, social, or learning barriers. I would love to see administration collaborate between buildings, and their support staff continue to receive trainings as they all keep the district working effectively.


As I mentioned in the previous sections, Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) across the district will help further this goal, and financial responsibility will ensure that we can continue to provide the necessary training and resources to all staff so that all students will be successfully prepared for college, work, and life from the Monroe School District.

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Other Issues:

There are obviously many other issues, and if you would like to find out more from me, please feel free to contact me.

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