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Successful futures for ALL students!

My name is Jeremiah Campbell and I am excited to be invested in the Monroe School District. My wife, Marjorie, was a teacher for the Monroe School District, and our two children are both students here. My family and I moved back to the US in the summer of 2020 after living overseas as missionaries in Bolivia for the past 10 years. We wanted to come back to Washington to find a place where we could finish raising our kids and fell in love with Monroe.


When we moved here, one of my neighbors told me there was a vacancy on the School Board and knowing my passion for education, he encouraged me to apply. I wanted to be involved in our new community, but I am not a very political person, so I wasn’t sure about applying. My neighbor knew that my wife and I were teachers and love investing in students, and he continued to encourage me. So, I submitted my name for consideration and was appointed to the School Board at the end of January 2021 for District #1. During the last few years on the school board, I have learned so much and want to continue to help move our district forward in a positive direction.


Now I am asking for your help to vote to re-elect me to the School Board on
November 7, 2023


My Background


I grew up in Sequim, WA and was unsure about attending college after graduating from high school. I started locally at Peninsula Community College in Port Angeles and there, I found a love for teaching while working as a tutor, one of my several part-time jobs. I went on to finish a bachelor’s degree (B.A.) in Spanish and a master’s degree (Ed.M.) in Multicultural & Bilingual Education from Washington State University (Go Cougs!). I also earned master’s degrees (M.A., & M.Div.) from Global University, as well as a doctorate (D.Min.) from Biola University.


My wife and I were married shortly after college and then both started teaching careers in the Wahluke School District in Mattawa, WA. Later we moved to Grandview, WA and worked in the school district there. During that time, I gained experience as a Spanish and ESL teacher working primarily with migrant families. I also became a certified GLAD® Instructional Coach, training teachers to work with multi-language learners.


While teaching in Grandview, I also served in my local church as the youth pastor. In 2010, Marj and I moved overseas to work as full-time missionaries in the country of Bolivia. There we continued to work with youth, young adults, and in education. We established 2 national organizations, one working with college students, and planted an extension of Global University, training pastors at the bachelor’s and master’s levels.


When my family and I settled back in Washington, I worked as a Spanish teacher at the Northshore School District, and as an adjunct professor at Northwest University while my wife Marj taught in the Monroe School District. Today we continue to invest in our community through a local church where I serve as the pastor.


Thanks for submitting!

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